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To prepare and submit Bakelite from phenol.



     To prepare and submit Bakelite from phenol.


    Beaker, measuring cylinder, funnel, glass rod, phenol, formaldehyde,concentrated hydrochloric acid.


    Bakelite is phenol formaldehyde plastic, formed from a combination of phenol and

    formaldehyde, one of the first plastic made from synthetic components.

    Reaction involved:

    Backelite synthesis reaction.


    1.Take 4.7 ml phenol and 10 ml formaldehyde in a beaker and add a small porcelain piece to avoid bumping on heating.

    2.Heat the mixture to get a homogeneous liquid.

    3.Then add about 0.5 ml concentrated hydrochloric acid and shake.

    4.The mixture starts boiling without any further heating.The mixture turns into oily nontransparent liquid.

    5.Allow to settle and decant the upper turbid aqueous layer and add about 5 ml water on a watch glass.

    6.Filter, dry and press to obtain a solid pallet of phenol formaldehyde resin.


    The practical yield of Bakelite was found to be. ______gm.


    Bakelite was used for its electrical non-conductivity and heat-resistant properties in

    electrical insulators (bases and sockets for light bulbs) and children's toys.


    Glass ware should be clean and dry before being used.


    Furnish B.S, Hanford A.J. "Vogel's Textbook of organic chemistry" longmann scientific and technical UK Ltd. 5th edition 1989 pp

    Dr. Abhishek Tiwari, Dr. Rajeev Kumar " A practical book of medicinal chemistry" Nirali Prakashan Pune 2019 pp 07


    Method of synthesis of Bakelite.

    Uses of Backelite.


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