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To determine the surface tension of a give liquid using stalagmometer by drop countmethod.


(i) Drop count method
Drop count method


To determine the surface tension of a give liquid using stalagmometer by drop countmethod.


• Stalagmometer
• Glycerin
• Water
• Specific gravity bottle
• Balance


• Select a clean and dry stalagmometerthan fix firmly in a vertical portion, in a beaker 
containing water and suck the water to the limb up to the level higher than the upper 
limb by using finger. 
• Leave the finger and allow the under water to flow down start counting of drops when 
the meniscus passes through the upper mark and until passes the lower mark ( the 
mumber of drops should be in between 15-20) repeat the experiment for 3 times. 
• Remove water and clean the stalagmometer.
• Select the liquid and repeat above step with liquid.
• Density of water and liquidare measure., them substitute these values together with 
number of drops of water and liquid in the equation and calculate the surface tension.


Weight of empty bottle (W1 ) = 
Weight of bottle with water (W2 ) = 
Weight of water (WW) = W1 – W2
Weight of the empty bottle with liquid (W3) = 
Weight of liquid = W3 – W1 =

Density of water (g/v)= w1-w2

Observation Table:

Surface tension of water √1 = 
Number of drops of water n1 =
Number of drops of liquid n2 = 

           γ2= n1ρ2
            γ1  n2ρ1
               𝛾2 = n1ρ2γ1


Surface tension of the given liquid 𝛾2 =


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