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To Prepare and Submit Strong Ammonium Acetate Solution I.P.


Prepration of Ammonium solution



Prepare and submit Strong Ammonium Acetate Solution as per I.P. 


Official Indian Pharmacopoeia, Ministry of Health, Gov.of India, New Delhi, Second edition 1995,pp 48-49.


1. Glacial Acetic Acid (GAA).  -------- 453gm

2. Ammonium Bicarbonate.  --------- 470gm

3. Ammonia Solution (strong). -------- 100ml or q.s.

4. Purified water.       -------- q.s. 1000ml


A solution may be defined as the monophonic system  of two or more substances. When two or more substances are mixed together to get homogeneous mixture , the resultant termed as solutions. Solutions are usually preparation meant for internal and external use. They vary widely in composition strength method of preparation and uses.


  1. Dilute glacial acetic acid (wt. per ml 1.047) with about 350ml of purified water, because ammonium bicarbonate doesn't react in concentrated solution.
  2. To this add ammonium bicarbonate in small quantities at a time with continuous stirring until whole of this gets dissolved.
  3. Then add sufficient amount of ammonia solution (little at a time) until one drop of resulting solution diluted with 10 drops of water, gives a full blue colour with one drop of thymol blue solution. It is the neutralization point which lies between pH 7.6 - 8.0.
  4. Now add sufficient amount of purified water to produce the required volume.


It should be stored in well closed, lead free glass container.




1-4 ml of strong ammonium acetate solution.


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