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To perform synthesis of Pyrazole from Chalcone.


Synthesis of 1,3-diphenylpyrazole from phenylhydrazine and ethyl-acetoacetate.

pyrazole, 1,3 dipehnylpyrazole


To perform the synthesis of Pyrazole from chalcone.


Vogel's Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry by Brain and Furniss, 5th edition, Longmann and Technical N.Y. pp- 1180.


Glassware: Beaker,funnel, pippett, china dish etc
Chemical: Phenylhydrazine, ethylaceto-acetate, ether,
Instruments: water bath.


Pyrazole is a heterocyclic compound characterized by 5 member ring of 3 carbon atoms and 2 adjacent nitrogen atoms. The notable drugs contains pyrazole ring are clecoxib and anabolic steroid stanozolol.

Uses of  Pyrazole derivative:

The pyrazole derivatives are  widely used fungicide, insecticide, and herbicides including clorfenapyr,fenopyroximate, fipronil.


  1. In a clean china dish ,take 36.5 ml of phenylhydrazine and 49 ml of ethylacetoacetate.
  2. Then stirr well both content.
  3. Heat the china dish over water bath for 2 hrs, with continues stirring.
  4. Then again heat the china dish further for 1 hr on water bath.
  5. Then add 2 ml of ether and left it for a day.
  6. On another day take off the solid product with the help of glasrod/ spatula and filter the product.


Find out theoretical yield and practical yield.

Then from these two values find out the percentage yield.

Percentage yield = practical yield. ×100
                                 theoretical yield


 The product was synthesized and the percentage yield was found to be____%.


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