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Epidemics: the dynamics of infectious diseases Course Week 6 Answers.

 Epidemics: the dynamics of infectious diseases Course Week 6 Answers. (100% Correct)

Coursera course, coursera answers

Week 6 Answers:

Quiz 6 

1) What was the most important characteristic of smallpox and rinderpest that favored their eradication? 

a) The ability to produce an effective vaccine 

b) Their last refuge was in The Sudan 

c) Low value of the basic reproductive rate R0 

2) Henry saw a health professional for some disease symptoms. The health professional told Henry that he must take a particular medicine in order to get better. Henry felt like the health professional limited his freedom to manage his condition, and was not motivated to take the prescribed medicine. Henry's response is an illustration of: 

a) Psychological reactance 

b) Persuasion 

c) Compliance 

d) Directives 

3) Culling may be used to control: 

a) Brucellosis and chicken pox 

b) Foot-and-mouth disease and chicken pox 

c) Foot-and-mouth disease 

d) Foot-and-mouth disease and brucellosis 

e) Chicken pox

4) How many people are expected to travel internationally in 2017? 

a) 2.8billion 

b) 3.91billion 

c) 3.6billion 

d) 3.11billion 

5) You are trying to change your target audience’s belief about hand-washing. If you have a weak argument, and your audience has the time, ability, and wherewithal to think about your argument--and they are personally invested in the argument’s topic, what is most likely to occur? 

a) Success! They will be totally convinced. 

b) Argument! Half will be convinced and half will not be. 

c) Chaos! There is no telling what will happen. 

d) Boomerang! They will be more convinced of their original beliefs. 

6) Which of these statements is correct? 

a) All of the given answers 

b) Quarantining refers to the separation of people who are exposed. 

c) Isolation refers to the separation of people who are sick. 

d) Quarantining usually affects more people than isolation. 

7) Before we invented refrigeration, we dealt with microbial pathogens in our food how? 

a) Most people died from eating spoiled food. 

b) We used spices that had natural antimicrobials, such as chili 

c) The microbes did not harm our ancestors. They only harm us because our immune system is weak. 

d) We did not. We had to eat only fresh food. 

8) Why is vector control often a more effective way of controlling vector-borne disease than treating patients? 

a) Transmission dynamics are highly sensitive to small changes in mosquito lifespan. 

b) Transmission dynamics are highly sensitive to small changes in mosquito biting rate.

c) Not all infected people can be found and treated. 

d) All of the given answers 

e) Patient treatment is not always possible. 

9) Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a consequence of control ? 

a) Outbreaks may become more frequent. 

b) Outbreaks may become less predictable. 

c) Adverse effects of infection may increase because the average age of infection will increase. 

d) Adverse effects of infection may decrease because the average age of infection will increase. 

10) During the 2014 Ebola outbreak, a vaccine trial design called a “stepped wedge” was used. In this design, the rate of infection in those who receive a vaccine is compared against a control group who: 

a) receive no vaccine. 

b) will receive the vaccine in the future, but haven't yet for logistical reasons. 

c) receive an alternative vaccine. 

d) receive an injection with a placebo. 


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