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To Study the Action of Drugs on the Rabbit's Eye


rabbit, rabbitseye,


 To Study the Action of Drugs on the Rabbit's Eye.
(to be performed on computer based software)


Animals: Rabbits
Apparatus: Droppers, measuring scale, torch, cotton wool, calculator (optional)
Drugs & solutions:
1. Saline
2. Eserine salicylate 0.5%
3. Atropine sulphate 1.0%
4. Phenylephrine 2.0%
5. Lignocaine 1.0%


  1. Place the rabbit (No.1) on the table. Measure the diameter of both the pupils with the help of a scale. 
  2. Observe the condition of the conjunctiva (congested or not) and elicit the corneal and light reflexes. Record your findings. 
  3. In the left eye put one drop of saline and in the right eye one drop of eserine. Use the pouch method for instilling the drops. 
  4. After adding the drops, the medial canthus should be pressed for 10 seconds. Record the following parameters at 1 minute, 5 minutes and 10 minutes after instilling the drug and saline. 
  5. Parameters to be measured:
1. Diameter of the pupil
2. Light reflex
3. Corneal reflex
Record your observations in a tabular form. Repeat the same procedure for atropine, phenylephrine and lignocaine on separate rabbits (Nos 2,3 & 4).

Presentation of data and analyses:

Pool the data from other groups and formulate appropriate table(s) to display the data. Analyze
the data using appropriate statistical test(s) and draw conclusions. Make sure that table(s) is/are
complete in all respects.


Study of the Action of Drugs on the Rabbit's Eye was done successfully and following observation were made.......

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