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To Prepare Nutrient slab and agar slant


Nutientslab, agar, agarslant


 To Prepare Nutrient slab and agar slant.


Breaker,glassrod, test tube, petri dish, inoculation loop, cotton, clamp,


The sterilized agar medium in test tube is kept in an inclined position while hot making a slope of 20° angle or less. The tubes are allowed to cool in that position to make slants. The sloped surface provides more surface area for the growth of the inoculated organism. Which is easily inoculated with loop or needle, for each stab culture a straight needle is used and stabbed down to the bottom of the agar medium called “butt”

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Preparation of culture plates


1. The hot sterilized medium in test tubes is allowed to cool to 55℃  and poured into sterilized petri dishes under aseptic conditions.

2. The medium is allowed to solidify in flat position and the plates are left overnight at room temperature in an inverted position. This prevents the condensation on the lid and Keep the plates clear for viewing.

3. The plates are stored in refrigerator or in a cool place in inverted position, avoiding drying of the medium by keeping them in plastic bags.


We have successfully prepared the nutrient slab and agar slant.


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