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Determine the particle size, partical size distribution by sieving method


particalsize, physicalpharmacy


To determine the particle size, partical size distribution by using sieving method.


Granular sample, series of sieve, mechanical sieve shaker.



Sieve is perforated screen and the size of the opening depends on the number of meshes and the diameter of the wire constituting the mesh. The particle sufficiently small will pass through those that are over size will be then on the same will classify the particles is a less than dimension of the mesh is under size and more than the dimension of the mesh as over size.


  1. At first 50gm of granular powder sample was weighed.
  2. Then the sieves was arranged keeping one above the another with coarest at the top and finest at the bottom.
  3. Then pour the powder sample at the top of the sieve.
  4. Then the sieve were shaken for 10 min in sieve shaker.
  5. After that the quantity of powder Left in each seive was weighted.
  6. And average partical size was calculate.


Draw observation table.


The average practical size was found to be.......


  • Mohanta GP, Manna PK "Physical pharmacy practical text " Pharmamed press Hydrabad 2nd edition 2012 pp54-56.
  • Agrawal SP ,Khanna R. "Physical Pharmacy " CBS Publisher & Distributor Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi 2nd edition 2009 pp 26-27
  • Derle DV "Essentials of physical pharmacy" Pharma Book syndicate Hydrabad 2006 pp--


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