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Epidemics: the dynamics of infectious diseases Course Week 7 Quiz Answers.

Epidemics: the dynamics of infectious diseases Course Week 7 Answers. (100% Correct)

coursera, epidemicscourse,

 Week 7: Emergence

Quiz 7 

1) Identify an emerging disease with stuttering chain of transmission and R0 close to 1:

a) Monkeypox 

b) HIV 

c) SARS 

d) Dengue 

2) Re-emergence is associated with:

a) Insecticide resistance 

b) Vaccine-driven evolution 

c) Antibiotic resistance 

d) All of the given answers 

3) Which one of the following is correct?

a) Drug resistance always evolves when a new drug goes into wide spread use. 

b) Drug resistance almost always evolves when a new drug goes into wide spread use. 

c) Hospital hygiene slows the evolution of resistance. 

d) Drug resistance is not new: it is natural, and has always been around. 

4) It is now possible to survive HIV infection because:

a) The human genome project revealed new drug targets. 

b) The virus has very little evolutionary potential. 

c) Drug cocktails reduce the probability of mutations to resistance. 

d) Hospital hygiene procedures are much better these days. 

5) To slow the evolution of resistance, you should use as much of a drug as possible. 

a) True 

b) It depends on the scenario. 

c) False 

d) True in hospitals, not true in the community 

Epidemics- dynamics of infectious disease coursera course week 6 Quiz Answers.

6) Which of the following are the areas on to be pessimistic that we can deal with drug resistance by discovering new drugs? 

a) Regulatory hurdles take longer to overcome than infectious agent. 

b) Marked forces cannot deliver new compounds fast enough. 

c) Generic drug resistance mechanisms are increasingly evolving. 

d) All of the given answers 

7) Patients often demand antibiotics which work against bacteria even when they have a viral infection. Why might that be harmful? 

a) All of the given answers 

b) Unnecessary drug use imposes unnecessary selection for resistance 

c) Antibiotics disrupt gut bacterial communities which might be beneficial for human health. 

d) Patients can build up a library of resistance genes in their natural bacterial communities. 

8) Which of the following explains why some infections are more harmful than others? 

a) Pathogen genetics 

b) Host immune status 

c) All of the given answers 

d) Evolution 

9) Which of the following is not a reason to think pathogens always evolve to be nice to their hosts? 

a) Pathogens which kill their host kill themselves. 

b) Many pathogens have been around a long time and still harm their host. 

c) The evolution of nastier pathogens has been seen. 

d) Benign pathogens may not transmit well. 

10) Which of the following is not an evolutionary advantage associated with virulence in malaria? 

a) Increased competitive ability 

b) Host death 

c) Increased transmission to mosquitoes 

d) Less effective immune clearance 


Epidemics: Dynamics of Infectious Disease cousera course week 5 quiz answers. (100% correct)


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